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A Portrait of Semprún's privacy and the rooms of his house in Paris. Last meeting between the intellectual Jorge Semprún and the journalist Juan Cruz in an interview made for El País Semanal few months before he died, in June 2011.
Published in El País Semanal, issue 1786. Sunday, December 19, 2010.

"Forgotten, but lethal. An illness caused by an insect, the Trypanosoma cruzi, “silently kills” the poorest in Latin America and appears in the developed world hand in hand with migration. It is Chagas disease.
The writer Sergio C. Fanjul and the photographer Juan Millás travel to the center of Bolivia with ISGlobal, an organization fighting Chagas disease on the field, combining cooperation and research. El País Semanal was invited to get to know the situation in situ."
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1900. Sunday, February 24, 2013.

"Between 1998 and 2007 Pamplona's Archbishopric registered more than one thousand properties, among churches, houses and estates. We have visited Abaiz, a drop in the ocean of the controversial registrations facilitating the accumulation of properties by the Church in the last years."
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1877. Sunday, September 16, 2012.

"Back to school, back to fight. Tomorrow 8 million of Spaniards go back to non-university classrooms. 70% of them study in public institutions. Their teachers collective is one of the most affected by the cut backs applied in several autonomous communities. 7 teachers from public education institutions tell us what does it mean to be a teacher today. This is their life."
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1841. Sunday, January 8, 2012.

Feature on how life happens inside an Ikea store in Madrid.
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1736. Sunday, January 3, 2010.

"Are you going to hit the road? 10 000 people monitor your movements. Night and day. By motorcycle, by patrol car, by helicopter, in the open-air or in the offices, they monitor, report and penalize the offenders. But they also dissuade, warn and especially help the drivers. The traffic body of Guardia Civil turns 50 years-old. We follow them on the busiest weekend of the year."
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1714. Sunday, August 2, 2009.

Photo feature on where the novel “Inés y la alegría”, by Almudena Grandes, takes place. The most important armed event after the Spanish Civil War took place in Val d'Arán: in October 1944, 4 000 guerrilla fighters came in to attempt to free Spain from Franco.
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1768. Sunday, August 15, 2010.

"They live in isolated little villages, where they were left alone or where they went looking for freedom. They have peace of mind, but also poor roads and insufficient basic services. This is a journey to those villages which, with only one home, challenge their own existence."
Feature published in El País Semanal. Sunday, August 1, 2010.

“Renewal energy is 10% of the energy consumed in Spain. The goal: to reach 20% in 2020. The sun, the wind, the sea, the micro seaweed... Spain changes its engine. Here you have seven milestone initiatives in this transformation.”
Thermo-solar power plant in Puertollano (Ciudad Real).
Feature published in El País Semanal, issue 1710. Sunday, July 5, 2009.

"His father sold him in 1953 to a stockbreeder so he took care of goats in the mountains of Córdoba. He resisted without human contact for 12 years. Marcos grew up with wild animals until he was rescued. Nowadays he lives in village in Galicia."
Intro published in El País Semanal, issue 1732. Sunday, December 6, 2009.

Diseñado y desarrollado por Julio César González