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Book trailer of THE MODLINS, by Paco Gómez, made from archive images of stories relating to the family of artists.

It took Paco Gómez ten years to write THE MODLINS. Ten years of research, full of difficulties, to compose a narrative puzzle where the author rebuilds, from photos found in the trash, the disturbing and strange story of the Modlins, a family of American artists obsessed with fame who settled in Madrid in the 70's in Spain. The Modlins' family was linked to many historical events in the 20th century, in the USA as well as in Spain, and during their lifetime they spread clues so their adventure was told how they had decided. Paco Gómez then becomes with this book the performer of the wish of people who are dead and he never met. THE MODLINS is an atypical book, half way between literature and photography, printed in four colors and in an exquisite edition. It puts together a story you read while seeing or you see while reading, where the reader little by little becomes an spectator generating a movie in her or his imagination. Text and image shape a single literary body where different literary genders come together, in a natural way, such as journalistic chronicle, detective biography, personal journal, fiction and, of course, photography. 

Book available in losmodlin.com

First edition: 2500 copies. Second edition: 1500 copies / 14 x 21.5 cm / 288 pages / Perfect binding with flaps / Text Editor: Sebastián Taberna
 / Design: M/Gráfico / 
Cover Illustration: Ana Cubas
  / Proofreading: Ángela Villaverde and Juan Marqués

Diseñado y desarrollado por Julio César González