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It took Paco Gómez ten years to write THE MODLINS. Ten years of research, full of difficulties, to compose a narrative puzzle where the author rebuilds, from photos found in the trash, the disturbing and strange story of the Modlins, a family of American artists obsessed with fame who settled in Madrid in the 70's in Spain. The Modlins' family was linked to many historical events in the 20th century, in the USA as well as in Spain, and during their lifetime they spread clues so their adventure was told how they had decided. Paco Gómez then becomes with this book the performer of the wish of people who are dead and he never met. THE MODLINS is an atypical book, half way between literature and photography, printed in four colors and in an exquisite edition. It puts together a story you read while seeing or you see while reading, where the reader little by little becomes an spectator generating a movie in her or his imagination. Text and image shape a single literary body where different literary genders come together, in a natural way, such as journalistic chronicle, detective biography, personal journal, fiction and, of course, photography. 

Book available in losmodlin.com

First edition: 2500 copies. Second edition: 1500 copies / 14 x 21.5 cm / 288 pages / Perfect binding with flaps / Text Editor: Sebastián Taberna
 / Design: M/Gráfico / 
Cover Illustration: Ana Cubas
  / Proofreading: Ángela Villaverde and Juan Marqués

  1. The exterior of the house where the Modlins lived on Pez Street. Madrid, 2006
    The exterior of the house where the Modlins lived on Pez Street. Madrid, 2006
  2. The main entrance of the Modlins’building on Pez Street. Madrid, 2006
    The main entrance of the Modlins’building on Pez Street. Madrid, 2006
  3. Stains of Margaret Marley Modlin´s paintings in the living room. Madrid,2006
    Stains of Margaret Marley Modlin´s paintings in the living room. Madrid,2006
  4. Margaret Marley Modlin working on one of her last paintings. Madrid, 2006
    Margaret Marley Modlin working on one of her last paintings. Madrid, 2006
  5. Carlos Sanva as Nelson Modlin. Madrid, 2006
    Carlos Sanva as Nelson Modlin. Madrid, 2006
  6. The Angel Exterminator. Left: Carlos Sanva. 2006. Right: Nelson Modlin.1976
    The Angel Exterminator. Left: Carlos Sanva. 2006. Right: Nelson Modlin.1976
  7. Jonás Bel as Nelson Modlin. Madrid, 2006
    Jonás Bel as Nelson Modlin. Madrid, 2006
  8. The Angel Exterminator. Above: Elmer Modlin. 1980s. Below: Jonás Bel. 2006
    The Angel Exterminator. Above: Elmer Modlin. 1980s. Below: Jonás Bel. 2006
  9. Joy Bautista as  Margaret Modlin. Madrid, 2006
    Joy Bautista as Margaret Modlin. Madrid, 2006
  10. The Angel Exterminator. Left: Margaret Marley Modlin. 1980s. Right: Joy Bautista. 2006
    The Angel Exterminator. Left: Margaret Marley Modlin. 1980s. Right: Joy Bautista. 2006
  11. The living room door. Pez Street home. Madrid,2006
    The living room door. Pez Street home. Madrid,2006
  12. Surrealist bathroom. Pez Street home. Madrid, 2006
    Surrealist bathroom. Pez Street home. Madrid, 2006
  13. Margaret´s shoes. Pez Street home. Madrid, 2006
    Margaret´s shoes. Pez Street home. Madrid, 2006
  14. Clothing hung on the back hall patio clothes line of the Pez Street home. Madrid, 2006
    Clothing hung on the back hall patio clothes line of the Pez Street home. Madrid, 2006
  15. The Modlin´s kitchen. Madrid, 2006
    The Modlin´s kitchen. Madrid, 2006
  16. Isabelle as Margaret. Carraia Bridge. Firenze, 2009
    Isabelle as Margaret. Carraia Bridge. Firenze, 2009
  17. Above: Margaret Marley Modlin. Puente Carraia. Florencia, 1974 Below:Isabelle as Margaret. Carraia Bridge. Firenze, 2009
    Above: Margaret Marley Modlin. Puente Carraia. Florencia, 1974 Below:Isabelle as Margaret. Carraia Bridge. Firenze, 2009
  18. Isabelle as Margaret. Guadalupe Monastery. Cáceres, 2010
    Isabelle as Margaret. Guadalupe Monastery. Cáceres, 2010
  19. On the left:  Margaret Marley Modlin. Guadalupe Monastery. Cáceres, 1975 On the right: Isabelle as Margaret. Guadalupe Monastery. Cáceres, 2010
    On the left: Margaret Marley Modlin. Guadalupe Monastery. Cáceres, 1975 On the right: Isabelle as Margaret. Guadalupe Monastery. Cáceres, 2010
  20. On the left: Margaret Modlin in front of the Ducal Palace. Venice, 1970s (Original Negative found in the garbage). On the right: Isabelle Monfort in front of the Ducal Palace. Venice, 2006
    On the left: Margaret Modlin in front of the Ducal Palace. Venice, 1970s (Original Negative found in the garbage). On the right: Isabelle Monfort in front of the Ducal Palace. Venice, 2006
  21. Above: Margaret Modlin and Sotero Luengo at the fountain in Valverde de la Vera Square. Cáceres, 1978 (Original copy belonging to Luengo family). Below: Sotero Luengo in Valverde de la Vera Square. Cáceres, 2006
    Above: Margaret Modlin and Sotero Luengo at the fountain in Valverde de la Vera Square. Cáceres, 1978 (Original copy belonging to Luengo family). Below: Sotero Luengo in Valverde de la Vera Square. Cáceres, 2006
  22. Isabelle como Margaret. Old bridge. Ronda, 1978
    Isabelle como Margaret. Old bridge. Ronda, 1978
  23. Above: Margaret Marley Modlin. Old bridge. Ronda, 1978 Below: Isabelle como Margaret. Old bridge. Ronda, 2013
    Above: Margaret Marley Modlin. Old bridge. Ronda, 1978 Below: Isabelle como Margaret. Old bridge. Ronda, 2013
  24. Paco Gómez in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 2007
    Paco Gómez in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 2007
  25. On the left: Elmer Modlin in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 1970s (Original negative found in the garbage). On the right: Paco Gómez in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 2007
    On the left: Elmer Modlin in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 1970s (Original negative found in the garbage). On the right: Paco Gómez in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 2007
  26. On the left: Margaret Modlin in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 1970s (Original negative found in the garbage). On the right: Isabelle Monfort in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris 2007
    On the left: Margaret Modlin in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris, 1970s (Original negative found in the garbage). On the right: Isabelle Monfort in front of the Eiffel Tower. Paris 2007
  27. Nelson Modlin. San Juan Beach, Alicante. 1970s
    Nelson Modlin. San Juan Beach, Alicante. 1970s
  28. Paco Gómez San Juan Beach, Alicante. 2013
    Paco Gómez San Juan Beach, Alicante. 2013
  29. Jonás Bel contemplates for the first time the painting The Black Woman by Margaret Marley Modlin. Torrejón de Ardoz, 2006
    Jonás Bel contemplates for the first time the painting The Black Woman by Margaret Marley Modlin. Torrejón de Ardoz, 2006
  30. Sculpture of The Christians conceived to contain Margaret and Elmer´s ashes after their death. Torrejón de Ardoz, 2006
    Sculpture of The Christians conceived to contain Margaret and Elmer´s ashes after their death. Torrejón de Ardoz, 2006
  31. Jonás Bel and Raul García contemplate the Tajuña river from Nelson Modlin´s land. Brihuega, Guadalajara. 2006
    Jonás Bel and Raul García contemplate the Tajuña river from Nelson Modlin´s land. Brihuega, Guadalajara. 2006
  32. Nelson Modlin´s shower. Brihuega, Guadalajara. 2006
    Nelson Modlin´s shower. Brihuega, Guadalajara. 2006
  33. Margaret Modlin´s sculpture for the painting Jota  which was found in a garden. Brihuega, 2006
    Margaret Modlin´s sculpture for the painting Jota which was found in a garden. Brihuega, 2006
  34. The Angel Exterminator. Left: Margaret Marley Modlin. 1970. Right: Mario La Vega. 2006
    The Angel Exterminator. Left: Margaret Marley Modlin. 1970. Right: Mario La Vega. 2006
  35. Mario La Vega with his dog on Miguel Moya Street. Madrid, 2006
    Mario La Vega with his dog on Miguel Moya Street. Madrid, 2006
  36. The Angel Exterminator. Left: The Luengo family, 1978. Right: The Luengo family, 2006
    The Angel Exterminator. Left: The Luengo family, 1978. Right: The Luengo family, 2006
  37. The Luengo Family. Valverde de la Vera. Cáceres. 2006
    The Luengo Family. Valverde de la Vera. Cáceres. 2006
  38. The Angel Exterminator. Above: Fátima. 1970s. Below: Natalia. 2006
    The Angel Exterminator. Above: Fátima. 1970s. Below: Natalia. 2006
  39. Fictitious plaque at the Pez Street home, The Modlins have achieved their ultímate objective of becoming famous. Madrid, 2007
    Fictitious plaque at the Pez Street home, The Modlins have achieved their ultímate objective of becoming famous. Madrid, 2007

Book trailer of THE MODLINS, by Paco Gómez, made from archive images of stories relating to the family of artists.

Exhibit on the American surrealist painter Margaret Marley Modlin in AVA Gallery Madrid in March 2007. For the first time, the paintings could be seen together with photo studies found by chance in the trash. The show was accompanied by objects, sculptures, and documents relating to the Modlin family.

Diseñado y desarrollado por Julio César González